Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My first carving


Last summer my ravishing lovers in Montreal invited me to be apart of an art show they were exhibiting at their gallery called My Hero.
The show was to be called "For the Disposal of Feminine products" 
It was exclusively for women, 40 of us to be exact.
We all received the same sized piece of square foot wood,
and we were all to do on it what we pleased.

Since my primary focus was printmaking at this point, I fumbled for a plan.
Then it dawned on me that I could make a woodcut block, and just not print it.
So I painted the shitty board black and got on a train to Montreal with my carving tools with a printed photo of the French musician Gonzales.

And then I began to carve...

I wasn't fully finished upon my arrival, but I managed to get it done in time for the vernissage the next night.

And what a night it was!

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